The area has previously been used as a dumping ground for contaminated and uncontaminated mud dredged from the shenzhen river 该处曾用作一卸泥区,用来存放从深圳河挖出的受污染或未受污染淤泥。
Despite improvements in recent decades , the great lakes remain a dumping ground for pollution ranging from livestock waste to mercury emissions , a u . s . - canadian panel said monday 描述:尽管在最近十年里,五大湖区的污染状况得到改善,但是依然有大量牲畜废物、汞等污染物排放到湖水里。
For too long our waters have been treated as little more than a dumping ground for industrial and household wastes , as a ready source of developable land though reclamation , and as a source of food and money through intensive fishing 多年来,我们的海域一直被视为工业与住宅废水的倾倒场地,可供填海和发展的储备土地来源,以及藉著密集捕鱼方式获取食物和丰厚收入来源。